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Gut Healing AIP Chicken-Vegetable Soup

This chicken vegetable soup is perfect for digestive flares. It incorporates bone broth, which is not only soothing to a distressed digestive tract, but also provides minerals (selenium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, potassium), amino acids, and other nutrients required for gut repair.

In addition, bone broth contains amino acids like glycine and proline that are found in limited supply in muscle meat. Glycine is a precursor to glutathione (the master antioxidant of the body) and stimulates production of stomach acid and bile acids essential for digestion. Bone broth is also rich in protein found in the tendons, ligaments, and other flexible tissues that are degraded during the cooking process. Moreover, bone broth contains collagen, glycosaminoglycans like hyaluronic acid, glucosamine, and chondroiton sulfate, all of which have a regenerative effect on connective tissue (joints, tendons, ligaments). Due to its healing properties, bone broth is an ideal adjunctive agent to help restore gut integrity in people suffering from rheumatologic, gastrointestinal, and autoimmune diseases alike. Leaky gut or increased intestinal permeability has been found in every autoimmune condition in which it has been studied, and along with genetic predisposition, is a requisite precursor to development of autoimmunity according to the world's renowned celiac researcher, Alessio Fasano, and his three pillar model (Fasano, 2012). If you have a strong history of use of antibiotics, proton pump inhibitors (PPI), contraceptives, NSAIDs (Ibuprofen), steroids, chemotherapy, or radiation, intestinal permeability is likely present. Therefore, using a food-as-medicine approach with healing meals such as this Gut Healing AIP Chicken-Vegetable Soup may aid in accelerating recovery.

Fasano, A. (2012). Leaky gut and autoimmune disease. Clinical Reviews in Allergy and Immunology, 42(1), 71-78

Ramírez, R. et al. (2014). Glycine restores glutathione and protects against oxidative stress in vascular tissue from sucrose-fed rats. Clinical Sciences (London), 126(1), 19-29.


2 boxes of organic free range chicken broth

3 packages of chicken legs (12-14 chicken legs)

1 bay leaf

Himalayan pink to taste

Cracked black pepper to taste (omit for AIP)

Garlic powder to taste

Onion powder to taste

Dried rosemary to taste

Bag of assorted root vegetables, washed and chopped (I used turnips, parsnips, and tricolored carrots)

4 baby bok choy, washed and diced

2 organic zucchini, washed and chopped

1 bunch of red chard, washed and chopped finely

1 small box baby spinach

Juice of two lemons

Organic cold pressed extra virgin olive oil to taste

1/4 cup de-stemmed fresh parsley

1 package butternut squash noodles


Fill a large pot with chicken broth and add chicken legs.

Bring to a boil.

Add bay leaf, salt, and spices and bring to a boil.

Turn down to low and cover with lid.

Let simmer for a couple hours.

Once chicken is tender, remove chicken and set aside to debone.

Add root vegetables and turn up to medium heat. Cook for ten to fifteen minutes.

While root vegetables are cooking, debone chicken and add meat back to the soup. Save bones to freeze for future batches of bone broth.

Add red chard, zucchini, and butternut squash noodles and cook for five minutes.

Add baby Bok Choy and baby spinach and juice of lemons.

Garnish with olive oil and fresh parsley.

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